Tuesday, December 16, 2008

41 to 2-And that's no Football Score

Last weekend it was 41 degrees on Sunday morning so Dave and I took a long walk-sans dogs.These are some of the things we saw:

We saw this naked tree.

And some rocks and trees by the road

These guys (or girls?) were very curious about who could be walking so early on a Sunday.
We saw an old bridge across the creek

And looked at the creek from the new bridge.

By that night it was 8 degrees and the very next day it was 2. Brrrrr. And now it is 6 and snowing. I thought it didn't snow when it was this cold but 2-3 inches on the ground says otherwise.

Look what I found:

It's Fuzzy-18 years ago!! She is looking around the stairs in Dutch Harbor, Alaska where she was born. She was born on Blane's bed up on Skibowl.

Just look at her now! Same old girl after 18 going on 19 years, just a little more deaf and a lot more absent minded.

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