Sunday, September 6, 2009

The last of the babies

So, this was another week of baby showers. I am just a touch burned out.

This week was Lindsey. Note the name spelling. I have spelled her name wrong for the past however many months. It is actually Lindsey. Not Lindsay. I tried to get her to change it for me but nothing doing.

So here’s some highlights. I didn’t stay the whole time but I got the beginning of it all

DSC00488 DSC00487 The baby arrived. This kid, aka Morgan, seems to be very calm and sleepy. But she arrived, never the less, dressed in pink.

Laura was hot on the trail. She was baby stalking like no other-




Phew, I was starting to worry.


We had delicious cake. I did get some of that.


This is the kind of respect I got from Ali while trying to take a photo history of the event


Seriously. Now do you know where Chase gets those expressions? He has to put up with this too.

We had Cora to visit on Friday.


Oh wait, would that be Laura and the baby? Are you seeing a pattern here? When Laura is about 100 she’ll be like those cute little old ladies we see at the nursing home carrying around their “babies”. I can’t wait, only I’ll be about 115 so I might not be able to witness this. Or if I do, I won’t remember it.

But back to Cora-



After a while we were all too much for her and reduced her to tears.


So Brian took over and they had to leave. I know just how she feels as work frequently reduces me to tears, although I am sure it is not for the same reasons….

So that’s it for the baby blogs for a while I think. I told Brian I was getting Cora a Packers Cheerleader dress (they really are cute). I was going to get her a SeaHawks outfit but they don’t make them in Pink, dang it. I could get her a 12th baby shirt.

Either way, Brian was not going for it at all. Funny how people are.

So, I promise, no more babies-at least for the next month or so. I have many other things I have done and am going to do.

Stay tuned, film at 11.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The name is still spelled wrong; it's supposed to be Lyndsey with an LY..., not an LI..., but oh well.