One of the problems with my blog recently is my external hard drive. Because of the crazy world of Microsoft 10, my Simpletech Hard Drive with all my pictures on it doesn’t get read on the first try. It might be the 10th or 12th or 20th try before it gets read. I have been on all the effing help sites, done all the suggested fixes, and sometimes it works but mostly doesn’t. So to download the pictures to the hard drive, THEN try to blog using said pictures can be a long frustrating drama. I keep saying I’m going to do it more often then after 15 minutes of struggle I sort of give in. Oh well.
I am almost done with this quarter at school. Next quarter I am taking two classes so I might be very absent. Of course, the two I plan to take together have more books than almost all my courses put together. That was a happy moment. The only thing that will be worse will be if there is group work. I HATE group work. After this quarter, I have one class left—then I am taking the fall off and will hopefully complete a practicum winter quarter. Woot woot.
I was able to do an enterprise wide presentation about Palliative care with a coworker. That was stressful. BUT, will look good on the resume. Thinking that maybe it’s getting a little late for me to worry about resumes.
For New Years Eve, since that happened since the last blog, we celebrated in Minneapolis at Insight Brewing with the gang!
Dylan, Ilan, Cody and Ben. High School Reunion.
Maral was there too.
There was lots of food and delicious beers. We stayed less than a mile away so after the ball dropped we went down the street to our hotel. It was really really fun and one of the best New Years Eves in recent history.
Minneapolis on New Years Eve
Hello 2017!
We were supposed to brunch with Maral and Cody but due to technical difficulties and them not getting to their hotel till after three, we instead came back home and started New Years at 5 West
HELLO 2017! That’s what I’m talkin’ about.
Cody came down to visit and opened his presents--
Dave got him the VR glasses--
And we enjoyed the visit.
We had some great and exciting football games and we were on a winning high until we weren’t
January 14th the Seahawks lost to Atlanta…..
But not for the lack of fan wear on our parts
Happy was a little bummed…
At least it wasn’t an embarrassing blow out like the Packers and Atlanta the following week.
Yeah, I saw that coming. So the Superbowl is around the corner. I am teaching a Mystery Quilt that day for a few hours. It should be fun.
We got new carpet in the bedrooms and moved all our crap in the living room which motivated me to throw out a ton of crap-including 5 bags of clothing.
Of course, I have a recent problem of replacing them—Filly Flair is not my friend…at….all.
We have updated the kitchen with a new fridge (do NOT ever in life buy a Samsung fridge….), new countertops, new cracked sink with fixtures, and soon new floors.
Here’s the preliminary pics--
It’s hard to tell in pictures but it looks so much better and updated than before. All that’s left are the floors—oh, and to replace the cracked sink. We ordered from All Modern and the first sink was cracked. So then we reordered and had it sent to the Silestone place as they requested. Three weeks later they came to install and sink #2 was cracked. In the same place. Gawd. So they put it in but will have to replace it when sink #3 comes. I’m used to bad things happening when it comes to remodels so it doesn’t surprise me. Our contractor LOVES me. But I love him so it’s all good.
This month is Stitches West so in a few weeks I’ll be off to the Pacific NW and Cali.
The following month we go to SoCal and run in Encinitas and enjoy the sun and ocean.
Then we wait it out till July when Blane and Melanie are getting married. At least I think that’s the plan.
September is Ireland—Laura and I have got our tickets and we are ready to go. And it’s only February. I think she’s going to Italy pretty soon. She’s a total world traveler. Much more than me.
I am also signing up for another Ragnar at the end of September in Michigan. Oh why not. At least I can drive there and Tiff is in.
Ragnar, 2015
She’s not getting out of this one. I think we can drive from Rochester so it’s going to be road trippin!
November is Tulsa and December is Texas. Jeepers. It sounds busy but I think it will be Besides, 2018 Mayo is rolling out Epic so we can’t leave from March till May. So I have to do double duty before, and maybe after.
It’s been snowy and grey out but today—today is a sunny day.
I tried to look at some blue sky at Mayo but we have a bit of a crow issue. As my coworker said—It’s partly crowy out.
Train has a new song out called Play that Song. I can’t embed it and I can’t copy it but I can add it as a post so I'll do that next...hopefully. I tried really hard to get it to work. I hate Live Writer and Blog Spot. I need to figure out my own page because this won’t even let me publish and I am now on hour 2 of trying to make it work.
Which is why I don’t blog as much…….
Anyway, enjoy the toe tap.
Puddy did.
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