I follow a few blogs—my favorites are Lame Adventures, A Humor Blog, and Lance Bass Ruined My Life, and of course the Bloggess to name a few (Don’t forget Yarn Harlot), and then there was Sassy Redhead and The Bearded Iris, which I won’t even link to. What sort of bugs me is that Lame has dropped off the face of the earth. She moved both her house and her work which I can imagine was unsettling, but then she just sort of quit blogging. I love that blog. Same with Sean Fox (who also wrote Room Service is Closed which is pretty funny if you work with the public). Although he’s back every now and then—like every couple of months or so. Sassy Redhead has been gone for a year and Iris is on another site, but still writing.
My point is, if you are going to quit I think you should say so. Going to the website only to see the same posts for months on end is so disappointing. Not to mention annoying. I mean, I’m not the best in frequent blogging but I try to get in at least once or twice a month. I love to follow blog links on comments only to have the last post be from 2014. That is NOT blogging people. Gawd. Do not link to a blog just to have a link. It’s annoying beyond words.
To even be mentioning this sort of feels like I have way too much interweb time on my hands. Way.Too.Much.
I am on a two week break from school. I forgot what life is like. One more class then I’m out of the core classes and into my program. I guess that’s good.
Work is so stressful that I had nothing but stress dreams last night. I dreamed about a friend who died two years ago, I dreamed I called a patient at 5:30…AM. They were mad. I dreamed they gave me a new desk…outside…in the rain. I dreamed of the disapproval, real and imagined, of the people I work with. Lord. I was so glad to wake up. Maybe my 10 mile run today will relieve some of this. Or just make my knee hurt.
I have a half marathon next weekend, then off to Cali for the Rock N Roll. A little excited for that.
Oh, and having dinner with my new adopted sister Laura next Wednesday. One and the same as my blog muse Laura.
Is she not awesome?????
Mr Mix has suggested since I love the cows and certain people do not love the cows that they should adopt me so they have someone who they can name in their will as the cow care taker. That would be me. So I have kindly suggested the adoption process begin sooner rather than later. Laura and I are working on mutual irritation as only sisters can. Waiting for the next farm purchase so I can move in. I wonder if I can hyphenate my name because Mix-Melde has a certain ring to it.
Happy has come out from behind the couch and found the giant cat hut
Closer….closer…still not within biting range…closer…..
Puddy. There are no words for how bad this cat continues to be.
This counter? I’m not supposed to be on THIS counter? Sorry. Now piss off.
Oh….the pergola is going up outside. They built phase one and had to remove phase one because it was about 14 feet tall. Oh. My. God.
Are you kidding me? I call it the flying buttress of Manor Ridge. Holy Cow.
So, they took this down, lowered it to roofline, and changed the orientation to parallel with the house. It will now serve it’s purpose.
Note to self-when having construction done someone MUST be home to supervise.
Since this weekend has been nice and the Douglas Trail about 3 minutes from our house we took a nice walk yesterday. Last time we were on this section we had two slow dogs. Sigh.
Requisite selfie…Complete with fake smiles
This was the first one where we were laughing because of my inability to fit Dave’s head in the shot and the fact we are on our cell phones in the middle of a beautiful trail….
Tell me I don’t look like that.
Maybe someday I’ll get my teeth fixed…again.
Anyway, next weekend is the holiday and Blane and Melanie and 3 dogs are on their way down. That should get Happy going. I miss having a dog though….even though I said I wouldn’t get another till I retired. The call of the pet dog is strong.
Stay tuned---
Good Kitten says I hate dogs and cats and everyone except Blane and I will never change.