Sunday, July 29, 2018

So Hot, So Very Very Hot

July was really really hot. Well, the start of it when all my races were was very hot. Now it’s pleasant and dry. Of course. I have a race in a couple of weeks though so the heat should ramp up again. And Ragnar Great River (which I am NOT running) is towards the end of August and that is usually a terribly hot weekend.

But where has July gone? It’s August in a couple of days and then it’s a slide into fall. The years just go faster and faster I guess. September will be a huge month, what with travel to Virginia to see these three


And then off to Scotland for more selfies like this-


Cause that’s what we do best. Only I’ll have way better hair AND my teeth are fixed now. The landscapes should be as nice though.

Oh, but in August we have a trip to see these two

Blane and Melanie

Plus 10 pets and a  zucchini the size of a small dog

IMG_2058 (1)

But back to the present—and near past.

July 4th I was supposed to run a race called Red, White, and Boom in Minneapolis. However, it was soooo hot they cancelled the 1/2 and made it a half of a half, or 6.75 miles.

At first I thought, this isn’t bad-I could have run a half-

IMG_1987I have a band on my head-my hair is not that big…..

But then after about 7 blocks I thought-Nope, too hot.

IMG_1988Post Sweaty Race

So that was all fun and games.

Then, two weeks later I did a race called the Nuthouse Challenge.

This race is a 10K in the morning, a 5K in the evening, and the following morning is a half marathon. And the weather didn’t disappoint.


It started out ok. Pre 10K at Soldiers Field and the War Memorial. It was pretty hot but only 6.2 miles so not too killer. Temps in the upper 70’s along with a dew point of 70 degrees. It’s like breathing water. But I did it.

LRG_DSC01556Round Two

I can run 3.1 miles in the blazing humidity


Sadly, the 1/2 didn’t go quite as happily.

I was hot before I even started. Race start was at 8 AM. Thankfully it was somewhat overcast, but the dewpoint at that time was again 70 degrees. Temps heading upwards to 80ish. But barely which was another blessing.

However, I did want to die several times out there. There was not enough water and I stupidly didn’t carry any. Longest hottest 1/2 I have ever run.



Reflecting on the War Memorial and that I am already too hot.


And the end….


All I can think of is Death, take me now. Ugh. It is so hot right there. Growing up in a cool climate is not serving me well here and I am rethinking summer races altogether. I’d rather run in the cold. And when I get to that point I’ll be thinking-It’s 10 below, what am I doing here?


I got three of these, 5, 10, and half.

The only plus was that I won 2nd place in the challenge in my age group and got a 15 dollar gift cert to a local running store. So good for me. I guess.

Winner winner, chicken dinner


Bad picture but that’s how I looked. Bad.


I can’t even say how much I’m glad that’s over. And within a week, the temps dropped, the dewpoint is non-existant, and here we are. No races for weeks. So annoying.

We babysat Brandy for a few days-she and Lacey had a good time barking at everything that moved-


Dave enjoyed some Ice Cream…


And July rolled on.


I quit paying for parking and started to take the bus exclusively in July, after practicing for most of June. I actually love taking the bus, however, it’s been summer so ask me when it’s pouring rain and freezing cold. Maybe not so much then.

I’d like to say I get a lot of books listened to and some knitting done


I got some new and seriously cool sunglasses (finally) and I showed them off with Angie as we were working on Friday


We are really really cool.

Puddy, the worse cat known to mankind, decided that the deck wasn’t good enough anymore and there are new heights to scale…


I was able to get her down before work this day, but Dave couldn’t get her down yesterday. She eventually came down on her own and hasn’t decided to climb since. Well, yet anyway.

This coming weekend I travel to Stitches Midwest to check out another side of Stitches, and to see my friend Julie. Woop Woop. It’s almost here. I’ve been working alot these past two weeks and the thought of getting up on Friday AM and driving over to Chi-town fills me with the utmost happiness.

Till then, Jack says get that effing camera out of my face….


And Manny wishes that, for once, he knew where the bathroom was….
